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Booth Facilities

「※ The layout is subject to change.」

Future Agriculture Zone, Agricultural Food Promotion Zone
Future Agriculture Zone, Agricultural Food Promotion Zone
Prefabricated booth type Basic specifications Note/reference image
Booth form
Specification: Width 3 m, depth 3 m, wall height 2.50 m
(Signboard height 0.75 m)
1. Placard/signboard Placard/signboard
2. Information desk
(1,000 × 500, height 750)
Information desk
3. 1 chair
4. Fluorescent lamps, 3 spotlights Installed and provided by the secretariat
5. Power 1 kW For basic lights
Apply for additional power by August 31 (Tuesday), if necessary
6. 3 outlets - Power outlets in prefabricated booths are fixed on the walls
(prepare your own multi-plugs if necessary)
* No multi-plug rental provided by the secretariat
Agricultural Equipment Zone
Agricultural Equipment Zone
Prefabricated booth type (MQ tent) Basic specifications Note/reference image
Booth form MQ Tent
Specification: Width 5 m, depth 3 m, height 4 m (pillar)
1. Placard/signboard Placard/signboard
2. Information desk
(1,000 × 500, height 750)
Information desk
3. 1 chair
4. Fluorescent light Installed and provided by the secretariat
5. Power 1 kW For basic lights
Apply for additional power by August 31 (Tuesday), if necessary
6. 3 outlets - Power outlets in prefabricated booths are fixed on the walls
(prepare your own multi-plugs if necessary)
* No multi-plug rental provided by the secretariat
  • Foods are to be prepared on-site inside the booth and may be consumed only at designated areas.
  • Pre-fabricated booths will be installed by the exhibition organizer. Participants are not allowed to alter or remove structures.
  • Participants are liable for the destruction or damage of facilities and provided items and must pay for the restoration costs.
  • TFS tent booth floor finishing: Wood deck + exhibition carpet
  • Outdoor Mongolian tent booth floor finishing: Exhibition carpet
Standard booths (indoor/outdoor)
  • Participants requesting standalone booths should design the booths after reviewing the booth layout.
  • · Check for movement routes, positions, and contact points with the other booths.
  • Booths can be installed after finishing the floor work at the exhibition zones (※ subject to change depending on the point of installation).
  • Participants with heavyweight exhibits must consult the secretariat in advance and transport the exhibit before the floor work.
  • Exhibition stand structures may not be fabricated within the exhibition zones
  • · transport the exhibition stand after completing it outside; only finishing work is allowed within the exhibition zones
  • Submit the construction plan and drawings for standalone booths (by September 30, 2023)